This is information about your company that you are happy to have displayed on your Contact Page, and throughout your website. Please state if you DO NOT want it displayed.
Company Name
Company Address
Company Fax
Contact Telephone Number
Contact Email Address
Contact Name
This section allows us to find out where the website will be shown after completion.
Please Note: If we are building you a Content Management System, you WILL NEED to transfer your domain and hosting to Unitel Direct. If you are unsure, please contact Customer Services on 0844 745 1111.
Are we purchasing a new domain name for you? (e.g.
If you have answered YES to the above question, please tell us what domain you want.
If you have answered NO to the above question, please tell us what domain you want to use
Are you transferring the above domain name to Unitel Direct?
Clients often prefer that their email address not be displayed on their website.
Are you happy for your email address to be displayed on your website?
If you have answered NO to the above question, you will have a form put on your Contact Page that will go to the email address you have outlined above in Section 1.
This section allows you to give us information as to how you would like your website to look. Does your business use a particular colour scheme, either for your business cards or work van?
What colours do you want to use? (e.g. blue with black background)
Give words to describe the look and feel you are expecting from you website? (e.g feminine, retro, gothic, corporate, contemporary, minimalist)
Are there any other websites you have seen that you wish for us to emulate or gain inspiration for your new website? Give us the address(es):
This section allows you to let us know what pages you want and the names of the pages.
Please use SECTION 6 for your CONTENT. This section will let us know the number of links your navigation will need.
What are the names of the pages you want? PLEASE NOTE: Only the names of the pages are required here. You will have opportunity to provide content for these pages in the next section.(e.g. Home, Services, Gallery, Contact Us)
This section allows you to provide the content you want to appear on each page of your website.
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
I have completed ALL sections above
I have provided content for all my required pages
Will we be expecting any additional files aside from those attached at the bottom of this form?
Your Attachments
Let your business grow wings with us.
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